Medical Centrifuge
(Q3 Category) (Specifications)-
RLESCIENTIFIC Angle Rotor Medical Centrifuge …Brand: RLESCIENTIFICMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹100,000.00 ₹19,189.99
LABWAN Angle Rotor Medical Centrifuge Size …Brand: LABWANMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹90,000.00 ₹19,190.00
Weswox Swing Out Rotor Medical Centrifuge …Brand: WeswoxMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹27,818.50 ₹19,194.76
AAJAADEE Swing Out Rotor and Angle Rotor …Brand: AAJAADEEMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹28,000.00 ₹19,320.00
htico M/S HI TECH INSTRUMENTS Swing Out …Brand: htico--M/S HI TECH INSTRUMENTSMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹28,000.00 ₹19,320.00
HTICO Swing Out Rotor and Angle Rotor …Brand: HTICOMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹60,000.00 ₹19,350.00
RLESCIENTIFIC Swing Out Rotor Medical …Brand: RLESCIENTIFICMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹80,000.00 ₹19,351.99
BLISCO Swing Out Rotor Medical Centrifuge …OEMBrand: BLISCOMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹25,000.00 ₹19,352.00
RLESCIENTIFIC Angle Rotor Medical Centrifuge …Brand: RLESCIENTIFICMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹100,000.00 ₹19,393.97
RLESCIENTIFIC Angle Rotor Medical Centrifuge …Brand: RLESCIENTIFICMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹100,000.00 ₹19,393.97
HTICO Angle Rotor Medical Centrifuge Size …Brand: HTICOMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹45,000.00 ₹19,393.98
Weswox Swing Out Rotor Medical Centrifuge …Brand: WeswoxMin. Qty. Per Consignee: 1₹28,309.00 ₹19,533.21